Darren Carter
Darren Carter, also known as “The Party Starter,” is an American stand-up comedian and actor born in Fresno, California. He has been entertaining audiences for over 20 years with his unique style of comedy, which blends observational humor and physical comedy.
Carter’s comedy career began in the 1990s when he performed at open-mic nights in Los Angeles. He quickly gained recognition for his energetic stage presence and relatable humor, which led to appearances on popular TV shows such as “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” “Comedy Central Presents,” and “Premium Blend.”
Over the years, Carter has released several comedy albums, including “Shady Side” and “That Ginger’s Crazy.” He has also performed live all over the country, including at The Comedy Store, The Laugh Factory, and The Improv.
The film “Born Again” and also his Dry Bar Comedy Special will be released this year.
In addition to his comedy work, Carter has also acted in a number of films and TV shows, including “Be Cool,” “Who Made The Potatoe Salad,” and “Love Chronicles.” He also hosts his own podcast, “Pocket Party,” where he interviews fellow comedians and shares stories from his own life.
Carter is known for his high-energy performances, infectious laughter, and ability to connect with audiences of all ages and backgrounds. He continues to tour and perform regularly, bringing laughter and joy to fans across the country.
When Carter is home in Los Angeles he can be found closing the shows at The Comedy Store, The Laugh Factory, The Improv, The Comedy and Magic Club and The Ice House.